Character Q&A 3
Posted October 29, 2023 at 12:00 pm

What kinds of accent do the cast members not from Earth have? I assume Teige has an Irish accent but I'm curious how the rest of them sound.

Teige: Born in Tulsk, County Roscommon, but lived much of his adolescence in Dublin.

Teige: Tirty-tree and a tird!

Hawk & Liya: Florida panhandle accent (very similar to Georgia/Alabama, classic Southern drawl)

Liya: All y'all

Hawk: That ain't nothin'.

Vlad: Completely unplaceable 'weatherman' US English with a splash of Queens NYC when emotions are high.

Vlad: That's harrable!

Numair: A combination of old school BBC English (from his English teachers) and Aetherian (see diagram.)

Numair: Favourite, realise, Toos-day.

Helly: Like Numair's, but with an almost Russian-sounding streak from nir time living with the Laith people.

Helly: Favourrite, rrealise, Toos-day.*

Shinobu: Has a slight Japanese accent but she's worked really hard to get rid of it

Shinobu: I am from Nagoya, didn't you know?

The 'default' Aetherian accent havers:

Yoshi: from Illinois but immigrated young enough to not have much of an accent

Luu & Milou: native Aetherians who have never lived anywhere else

[Inset Venn diagram titled 'spoken Aetherian sounds like a mix of' with Aetherian at the intersection of Welsh, Gujarati, and Turkish.]

* Not sure if it's my browser or the CMS, but the diacritic won't render. Weird!
