For Vlad: Favorite decade for fashion? Potential followup? Least favorite decade for fashion?
Vlad: Oh, the 1970s were my favorite. I could pull off the look then. (And guys, you should bring back that crop top and shorts look, just saying.)
[cue the spectres of 1970s mens facial hair and hairstyles]
Vlad: ...My least favorite is also the 1970s. (Guys: eugh.)
[2nd favorite: 1980s glam | 2nd least favorite: early 1960s]
[Hi all--sorry about the comments being disabled this week, I promise it's not because of Vlad's controversial fashion takes. Apparently Disqus' export feature is broken and their support went home for the weekend, so we got stuck halfway to migrating to Hyvor. Check back during the week if you want to pen an ardent defense of shag haircuts!]