Mind the Gap - 16
Posted July 7, 2024 at 12:00 pm

"Please," Shinobu said, and walked away without waiting for an answer. Yoshi stood there for a moment, her face set with something like resignation as she looked at the photo. Then, still studying it, she followed Shinobu wordlessly into the next room.

A veil of pale smoke drifted across the pit full of cushions as Yoshi approached; bright foxfire burned without heat or sound in the air, here and there above the cushions. Yoshi paid none of it any special attention. She bent to take her sandals off and left them on the mat as she stepped onto the cushions, past a huge paw and multiple bushy tails.

She flopped down onto the fluffy expanse of the six tails as if they were merely a comfortable couch, and continued looking at the photo rather than up at Shinobu. Shinobu had released her shape and was now massive enough to take up the whole makeshift room: her great head rested against one wall, and her six tails coiled neatly together, each tipped in pale foxfire.

She peered down at Yoshi obliquely, and said, "I really did think I'd gotten it right this time, you know."

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