Extra comic - How Do You Make That Mistake?
Posted October 18, 2015 at 09:00 am

Today's mini-comic is called "How Do You Make That Mistake?" and runs in parallel with this page in Chapter 3. This is actually something I'd originally written Teige to make a bigger deal about right then, but ended up cutting that because I felt it'd derail the scene--and also, Teige maybe would've decided that making Hawk feel even weirder about ghosts wasn't the best choice right then.

This scene in chapter 3 is almost two years old now! It was fun redrawing it and finally capturing the mood I'd originally intended to.

Sometime I'll draw this again, but with the way the ghost is seeing Hawk (and not seeing Teige.) HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

This page will be in the Extras section as well! Next week, the title page for Chapter 5! Then we're back to regular updates! Hold onto your butts!
