The door slid open, and light spilled in around Helly's form as ne entered, carrying a tray that held a round teapot and a single upended cup.
< Congratula-- > ne broke off, because the room was dark except for the livid stripe of light falling in from the doorway, and a softer, almost ambient glow coming from overhead. Numair was curled up on one end of a sofa, out of the light from the doorway, hands over his face but for one eye that met Helly's. His things--the glass bowl, the brass perch, his bag, Sraddi--were sitting somewhat untidily on or under the little table beside the sofa. < Oh. >
Ne closed the door and knelt down in front of the sofa, craning nir neck to look worriedly at Numair, who slowly uncurled himself and sat forward some, massaging his temples.
< Oh dear. Did they...try something? >
< No, no. Not this time, > Numair replied quietly. Even in the dim light and with his hair falling over his face, his pupils were still constricted to mere slits. < I just have a terrific headache. >
< I'm sure you do, > Helly said sympathetically, and promptly poured Numair a cup from the teapot. < Have a cup of tea to put you right, before we go home. >
< Thank you, Helly. > Numair took the cup, and sipped from it carefully, even though it was still steaming hotly.
< You did brilliantly today, my dear. >
< I'm just glad people turned out to listen, > Numair murmured between sips. < It would have all been for naught, if they hadn't. And I might be dead. >
Helly's expression clouded. < You don't mean that. >
< I do. I'm fairly sure the Assembly only passed R.I.T. to get the hearing over with, you see. More, to get the broadcast over with. >