"Seems like he'd have to really like someone to take a risk like that." Vlad shrugged, as the door opened and Liya reentered, carrying a tray with a couple of mugs and a pile of some turnover-like food. "Just saying."
Hawk sat in a stunned silence as Vlad excused himself to Liya. After mulling it over for a moment, he ran his hand through his hair, muttering, "What the fuck, Mari."
"Whassat?" Liya asked, as she seated herself where Vlad had been and passed him one of the mugs. He took it with a wan smile.
"Nothin'. What's in these?" he asked, as Liya handed him one of the turnovers wrapped in a napkin. Liya took one herself, and neither of them waited for an answer before taking a bite.
"Uh, ground meat, veggies--tastes kinda like tomatoes."
"Mm," Hawk grunted in response.
"That one's got mushrooms. They fuckin' love mushrooms here. And bugs!"
"Yeah! They're not so bad. I still hate mushrooms though."
"Wait, does this one have bugs in it??"
"Naw. Only, the dough might use flour made from 'em, actually."
"Huh. Tastes pretty good."
As they sank into easy conversation, the night fell fully at last, and the first stars began to appear in the deep purple sky.