Hawk stood and watched as the train pulled away, creating a wind that tousled his hair. He rubbed his neck thoughtfully, then turned away, blushing furiously. "Geez," he muttered to himself, "Why did I ask that??"
Numair, meanwhile, had taken a seat in the not-too-crowded train car. For a while he was still, face frozen in a mixture of slight bafflement and embarrassment. Finally he stirred from his thoughts, and pulled his hood up over his curly hair, asking himself, "Na dhya. Why did I agree to that??"
[Hello all! This is the end of chapter 9! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! <3
So for the next few weeks, there will be an update each Sunday still--they'll be little extra things to go with this chapter, or else illustrations I've done. So check back! The title page for chapter 10 will go up here on January 12, 2020, and then the chapter starts with a double update the following week on January 19, 2020. I'll be taking care of some medical stuff in the meantime, so there's always a small possibility this schedule could change depending on how that goes, but that's the plan right now! If things change, I will probably post about them on my Twitter, so feel free to check on that!
Also, here's the idk roughly once per chapter plug I do: I have a Patreon! All patrons get to see new pages early--I put up the sketch versions of each page on Fridays, and the full page on Saturdays, before it goes up on the main site on Sundays. $5 and up a month patrons also get extra posts as I'm able to do them on worldbuilding, extra stories about the characters, and process talk on how I make the comic! There's quite a few you'll have access to in the backlog if you join up now. It's a pretty simple little Patreon, but it's what I can do. If you like the comic, the best way you can support it is to spread the word and/or toss it a buck or so a month on Patreon! Whatever you feel you can do. <3
Either way, thank you so much for reading the comic--y'all are so great, it makes doing the comic extra enjoyable knowing I'm posting it for you all. See you next week!]