"Are you quite sure?" Numair asked, offering a hand, as the train announcement came on overhead. Hawk shook his hand.
"Yeah," he said, "just take a cab home next time."
As Numair turned away and stepped into the nearest open train car door, Hawk hesitated. That didn't last long, though, as the overhead announcement prompted him to act before the door closed.
"Wull...wait," he said.
Numair paused, one foot in the train car and one on the platform, and looked at Hawk.
"Would you, uh..." Hawk stumbled a bit over his words, as the overhead announcement calmly asked Numair to stand clear of the door, "Would you wanna, I dunno, meet up again? N-not in like return or anythin', a' course," he added quickly, "Just i-if you're innerested."
Numair looked at him for a beat, and then responded quite simply, "All right."
"Y-yeah?" Hawk said, surprised.
"Yes," Numair confirmed. "Shall I come to your place?"
"Saturday?" Hawk asked.
"S-sounds good."
"All right, then," Numair said, and finally stepped back to allow the doors to close, giving Hawk a shy little smile. "See you then."
"Yeah," Hawk said, returning the smile, before the doors finally shut between them.