8-1 - 8.1
Posted September 16, 2018 at 11:59 am

They were both up before the sun had fully risen in their respective worlds, although with different levels of enthusiasm.

Sraddi began trying to wake Cynn Numair while the light in the bedroom was still pale and blue; he spent a while ignoring her, pressing his face into the pillows, grumbling some. When he did sit up, he stayed sitting there for a while, eyes shut, half-asleep--and when he finally made it into the bath (a steaming room made up to look like a natural hot spring, with water flowing continuously through it) he fell asleep again at the edge of the water with his head resting on his arms, and Sraddi tapping her foot loudly to wake him up again. It was only after he got out of the bath that he seemed to fully wake up, and to make up for time, he got to conferencing through Sraddi while he was still at the vanity stretching.

Hawk, on the other hand, merely woke when the light coming through the window above his head got too bright to ignore. He was up and had stretched, done pushups, gone running, made breakfast, and then left for the bathhouse before the pink had faded from the morning sky. He spent long enough preening his wings, though, that by the time he left again, it was nearly midmorning and the streets were busy.

The Cynn had done as much work as he was going to do then; he quite casually created a magical reflection of himself, directing it to sit at the desk and look busy. Sraddi watched him leave with the hood of his red coat up and trying to contain his curly hair. He walked right down to the interworld gates and past the gatekeeper, who seemed too busy with another group to notice, and into Enodia. Without an aim in mind he wandered the streets, ducking into shops, browsing idly here and there.

Hawk ate his lunch seated on some steps, surrounded by pigeons, before heading to the Society for Mixed Species Inclusion. He let himself in, and a small chime rang as he opened the door.
