Posted September 13, 2015 at 09:00 am

Yoshi stared, nonplussed, at the Cynn. < What? > he said, after a long moment.


The room seemed very large, now that it was empty. Liya stood quietly for a while, then sank back down to sit at the table and set the folder in front of her.

After a moment bracing herself, she opened the folder. The firelight spread out over the stack of papers neatly clipped together inside--a typewritten report, an envelope with a note in curly script written on it--and a picture of her own face.


[And that's the end of Chapter 4! White Noise will be taking a short break�until November 1st, when Chapter 5 will begin! Here's what you can expect for the next few weeks in this space and others:

    • Starting next week, there'll be a new piece of guest art each week during the hiatus!


    • I will be adding an extras section--would you like to read the incident report Liya's got here? That'll be the first thing that goes up! Expect that by next Sunday with the first piece of guest art!


    • I have at least one mini-comic that will go in the extras section during the break! Patreon patrons will get to see this first but it'll be up on the site shortly after!


    • Now might be a good time to check out my Tumblr or my Twitter--I often post previews of new comic pages, or extra art in general.


    • You may also be interested in bookmarking my Picarto channel! I livestreamed some of the color work for the title page of Chapter 5 last night and plan to do more today.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting--I feel super lucky to have people join in on this chapter and get into it! You guys rock. Keep an eye on this space and the ones above--just because I'll be on a short break doesn't mean everything grinds to a halt! <3]
