After a long moment, Cynn Numair answered very quietly.
< I do not want to choose between repairing Aetheri's reputation, and doing what must be done to protect people from the trade, > he murmured. He frowned. < But if I must, there can be no question. I expect the Order to continue avoiding conflict with the Archipelagans where possible, but to never shy from making the choice you did, Captain. >
Captain d'Ubis bowed very slightly, her right palm over her heart. < I understand, Your Highness. >
The Cynn gave her a very sharp glance as he got into the car. < Good, > was all he said, however.
It wasn't until the car had left the airstrip and was plowing down unpaved roads, streaming clouds of billowing dust into the air, that the Cynn spoke again.
"How is the family, Mrs. Peck?" he asked, relaxing into the backseat somewhat. He undid his shirt collar and massaged his neck, seeming suddenly twice as tired. "Was anyone at the Society for Mixed Species Inclusion able to help you?"
His driver brightened up quite literally--a silent, thin spray of gold sparks crowned her head briefly. The deep afternoon sun gleamed off her six eyes, and she smiled.
"Oh yes, Your Highness."