12-17 - 12.17
Posted January 23, 2022 at 12:00 pm

The door slid open, and there stood Liya, looking almost wary. The Cynn looked at her for a moment, his expression carefully flat, before saying, "...Well. Liliya Kiski."

"Um, hi," Liya mumbled, as she entered the room. She stood a couple inches taller than the Cynn, even as she slouched and he stood ramrod-straight. She hesitated. "Uh, I mean--"

She gave a short, odd bow which startled the Cynn out of his blank expression momentarily. He leaned back against the desk, regarding her somewhat more closely. "So what brings you here, Liliya?"

Liya didn't look directly at him. She said brusquely, "First, I'm sorry for bein' so rude last time I saw you."

"No need, but I accept."

"And uh, second, I wanted to ask a favor."

The Cynn raised his eyebrows. "Really," he said. "A favor."

Liya didn't seem put off by this. She reached down the collar of the patterned cloak she was wearing, rummaging for something. "Uhm, yeah, but--it ain't for me." She produced a small hammered coppery ring, which she held out to the Cynn in the palm of her hand. "It's for Yoshi."

Sraddi sat patiently on her perch, while Liya concluded, "...An' so I was hopin', y'know, since you helped Yoshi out with her door lock, maybe you wouldn't mind doin' this, too."
